

The Natural Approach to Female Hormone Problems
A one day seminar with Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD

Saturday 24th November 2001
10:00 - 17:30
(registration from 09:00)

La Longeraie, Morges
Sfr. 150.- (including lunch)

Come to this seminar and find out about the natural approach to women's hormone problems. Learn how to control conditions such as pre-menstrual symptoms, breast discomfort and period problems. Discover which foods can cause tiredness, depression and mood swings. Find out how to increase your energy levels, improve your memory and keep your hormones in balance, naturally.


     At this seminar you will also discover:

  • Practical day to day advice to help you improve your health naturally.
  • Which tests, supplements, herbs and nutrition you should use for
    the best results.
  • How to prevent your symptoms from recurring.
  • The facts you need to know about orthodox, complementary and nutritional medicine and how to decide which treatment is best for you.
  • Reassuring and proven advice on all aspects of women's hormonal health.

When you attend this seminar you will be given a personalised three month supplement programme designed specifically for you. This will help correct any vitamin and mineral deficiencies you may have and help get your body back into balance.

Women of all ages are inspired by Marilyn's unique presentation. Her vitality and engaging style is both stimulating and informative. Dr. Marilyn Glenville PhD is an international speaker and best selling author of 'The Natural Health Handbook for Women', 'Natural Alternatives to Dieting', 'Natural Alternatives to HRT', 'Natural Alternatives to HRT Cookbook' and 'Natural Solutions to Infertility'. She is the former Chair of the governing council for the British Association of Nutritional Therapists and a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. She is also a regular contributor to TV, radio and the press and specialises in the natural approach to female hormone problems.

pepper and herbs

So, if you are concerned about your health, unsure about what treatment is best for you and want to know what your choices are, don't miss this unique opportunity - BOOK NOW!

Dr. Glenville's biography      Dr Glenville's books         Marilyn's Website         Map and information on venue

HRT Cake        Interview with Dr. Marilyn Glenville on WRG

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