C O L O U R    F O R    L I F E

"Let there be Colour...



  ....Let there be Life"

Weekend Workshop 22nd - 23rd September 2001
10:00 - 17:30 Le Courtil, Rolle
Facilitator: Colour Specialist, Mark Wentworth
Price: Sfr. 300.-

By popular demand, we are proud to present:
A two-day celebration of the magic and mystery of colour, in the beautiful lakeside town of Rolle,
with International Colour Specialist Mark Wentworth

During this fascinating workshop, we will explore how to use colour for personal development and ways of using the rainbow to understand the hidden messages of ill health. Learn how to reconnect with the parts of you that are lost in the shadows of the past. Walk back through colour into previous lives, to discover why you have chosen a specific colour pathway, and perhaps clearing emotional blocks along the way. We will journey together through the rainbow to re-discover your very own pot of gold.

This inspirational two-day event will give you a better understanding of the part that colour plays in your life at all levels. Using a mix of drama, practical exercises, and storytelling, Mark will share his skills and experience of bringing the colours to life - to your life.

This course could just change your life, forever!

More information about Mark Wentworth         Registration information

Personal Consultations         Comments: Colour Your Life workshop April, 2001

Workshop flyer in PDF format

If you don't want to miss this fascinating and revealing experience to become more aware of your life path, your issues and your potential, BOOK NOW and COLOUR YOUR WAY TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE.

For reservations or a personal consultation, please contact Liz or tel/fax 021.825.45.62

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