
Colour Specialist, Mark Wentworth has a background in T.V. and film make-up which led him to explore the deeper meaning of colour.  Mark became a student with the Colour Harmonic Foundation in 1988, gaining honours in a course which looked at colour psychology, colour in décor and colour in the environment.

Mark has conducted his own studies and research, increasing his knowledge of and insight into this fascinating world of colour.  He runs his popular workshops throughout the UK and Europe, teaching people about the power, and everyday use of colour.  In 1994, Mark qualified with the International Health and Beauty Council as a Colour Consultant, enabling him to reach an even wider audience.  It was after this that he became more aware of the link between colours in fashion and the effect it appears to have on society.

Throughout this time Mark has developed and worked with the link between colour and the personality, looking at how and why people have certain likes and dislikes of colour.  He has also found that careers attract certain colour preferences and alongside of this, colours can reflect areas of disharmony and stress within the body.

In 1995, Mark began giving talks and demonstrations at health farms around the UK; he has worked at Cliveden, and Tyringham Naturopathic Clinic.  He now works at Ragdale Hall Health Hydro offering talks, private consultations, courses on Holistic Weightloss and advice on colour schemes.  Mark also works at Champneys, Grayshott Hall, Henlow Grange, Hoar Cross Hall, Inglewood, and Springs Health farm promoting the benefits of colour.

In 1996, Mark worked for two leading employment agencies, one a nursing agency, the other specialising in the travel industry, it was whilst working for this agency that Mark advised on colours relating to careers and personality at the World Travel Market. Today, he works for various companies offering corporate entertainment and recently was invited to give a demonstration following the film premiere of Brigitte Jones' Diary.

At the beginning of 1997, Mark started working with Brand Guardians, a company who create and design leading brand strategies.  He has advised and worked with Brand Guardians on various projects, one being the merger of Royal and Sun Alliance Insurance companies.  Here Mark conducted an audit of all insurance companies, including their advertising and design products, he was then able to advise suitable colours for the merger and new products. He has since been involved with the choice of colours used by Eagle Star for their new company logo. Because Mark is able to decipher the language of colour he is able to advise on wording used in advertising which only goes to compliment and enhance the colour message.

1998 saw the beginning of Mark's media career, he has been featured in both local and national press, which include Company magazine, and The Sunday Express, he also wrote a regular Colour Column for the Windsor and Eton Express. Colour and its effects, is the subject Mark talks about on many radio shows.  He is a regular guest on many TV shows which always generates a great deal of public interest.  Mark is currently in the process of putting all his research together to produce a TV show based on colour and dating.

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