Tellington TTouch® Training
with Lisa Leicht

TTouch enhances the "life force of the cells" and awakens the
regenerative potential and cellular intelligence of the body.

Introductory One Day Workshop for Dog Owners
With Trainer : Lisa Leicht,
Practitioner 3, Tellington TTouch Training

Thursday, 7th May 2009
Le Parc Pré Vert, Signal de Bougy
9:30 - 17 :00 (registration from 09:00).
Investment: Sfr. 180

Don't miss this wonderful opportunity to learn how you can improve your dog's well-being and also deepen your relationship with your adorable pet. It will be fun and your dog will love you for it!

The Tellington TTouch is a specialized approach to the care and training of our animal companions. Developed by internationally recognized animal expert, Linda Tellington-Jones, PhD (Hon), this method based on cooperation and respect offers a positive approach to training, can improve performance and health and presents solutions to common behavioural and physical problems. It also helps establish a deeper rapport between humans and animals through increased understanding and more effective communication.

During the workshop you will:

A participant's comments:

The workshop was really enjoyable both for me and Nico my adopted pointer. Lisa is very inspiring and one can see she is gifted with animals. The course was fascinating, like a sort of reflexology for dogs, and was most informative and beneficial.

Elizabeth CW.

About your Trainer:

Lisa Leicht lives in Berne and in the South of France. In 1999, Lisa finished her training with Linda Tellington-Jones as a Tellington TTouch Practitioner 1 for dogs and companion animals. Since October 2008, Lisa is a Practitioner 3 trainer and in April 2009 she will finish her 3 year training with Linda as a TTouch-for-you Practitioner (TTouch for humans). She frequently gives courses throughout Switzerland and also gives courses to students of all ages concerning the protection of animals.

Please note: This workshop is limited to 10 participants and their dogs.
The dogs can be of any age but must not be aggressive or on heat!

Useful websites:

Lisa Leicht:

Linda Tellington Jones:

Venue: Signal de Bougy:

For more information or to enroll: please contact Liz.

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