How to Control it

An introductory talk by

7th November, 18:30 - 20:30
The Résidence Colladon, 5-7 Ch. de Colladon, Petit-Saconnex, Geneva

PRICE: Sfr. 25.-

Statistics show that over the last 10 years stress related problems have doubled. People and organizations are aware of the effects of stress, but few people take the time to learn how to refocus or rebalance their lifestyle.

A 20 year study conducted by The University of London concluded that unmanaged reactions to stress were a more dangerous risk factor for cancer and heart disease than either cigarette smoking or high cholesterol foods.

In this special introductory talk, you will learn:

At the end of this talk, there will be a question and answer session.

About the Executive Health Institute

The Executive Health Institute has realised through experience how individuals can reach their maximum potential by adopting a holistic approach. They have developed proven techniques that provide everyone with enthusiasm, creativity and courage. You will become more aware of who you are and what you need to change in your life to achieve your goals. In particular, these techniques will enhance your lifestyle and ability to cope with stressful situations in a demanding environment.

REGISTRATION:     Registration Form

For those wishing to have dinner after the talk, I can recommend the restaurant at Le Colladon which takes orders up until 21:30.

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