
21st and 22nd May 2005
9.00 to 16:30
Ecole de Montchoisy, 20 rue du Clos, Eaux-Vives, Geneva
Price Sfr 330

Facilitator: Lucy Harmer

What is Space Clearing ?

Space-clearing is a technique used to increase the level of energy and astral light in the atmosphere at home and at work, thus creating a better quality of life. It is a powerful technique to manifest your intentions and dreams into reality.

Discover the 33 steps of space clearing and the 9 levels of consciousness. Develop your capacity to feel and see auras and learn simple tools to purify and clear your space at home and at work..

Lucy Harmer is a Reiki Master and has been a Feng Shui and Space Clearing Consultant for the last 10 years. She facilitates workshops throughout Europe in Feng Shui, Space Clearing, Reiki and Shamanic Journeying. She is also the author of "Space Clearing and Intuitive Feng Shui" (published in French) and has recently been featured on Swiss television and radio.

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