Sophrology Seminars 2005

A series of 4 interactive seminars given by
Dorna Wilson-Revie
Maitre Specialiste en Sophrologie Caycedienne,
Reiki & Karuna Reiki Master, NLP Coach and Trainer.

Venue : Centre for Life Motivations
5 chemin de la Radio
1293 Bellevue
Time: 19h00-22h00

Price : Sfr 80-. per seminar or Sfr 280-. for all 4.

Sophrology and Energy Management

23rd February 2005

Sophrology and Intuition

16th March 2005

Sophrology and Memory Training

20th April 2005

Sophrology and Emotions

27th April 2005

Sophrology and Energy Management

Come and discover the world of energy vibrations. Become aware of how you are currently using energy fields, learn how to do so more creatively and perhaps amaze yourself with what you are actually capable of achieving.

Sophrology and Intuition

Everybody uses their intuition but not many people do so consciously. An introduction to using and working with your intuition - your inner tutor or guidance system.

Sophrology and Memory Training

What happens if you don't take the time to remember?
You won't have any memories!

Soyal Rimpoche

Why do we have holes in our memory?
Why do we have blanks - unable to remember something we know well?
What effect does stress have on our memory?

An insightful adventure into how our memory works - with tools, exercises and ideas as to ways of encouraging our memory and memory recall to function more effectively.

Sophrology and Emotions:

The latest scientific research shows that living our emotions to the full in the moment we experience them, is very healthy for us. Unfortunately in our society this is not always possible and emotional blockages jam up our immune systems making us tired and more prone to illness.

We will work on the emotions of Anger, Fear, Sadness, and Joy. Experiencing how we live them and learning exercises to clear out blockages, leaving us healthier and more full of energy



Sophrology is the science of the consciousness and values of existence" (Prof. Alfonso Caycedo).




Balance and Harmony

Spirit, Consciousness

Study and Science

Prof. Alfonso Caycedo created Sophrology in 1966 and is continually developing and up-dating it. He is a medical doctor specialising in neurology and psychiatry and has a Foundation in Andorra where Master level students have the opportunity of studying under him. After undertaking an extensive scientific research of Western and Eastern philosophy and psychology Prof Caycedo developed a training programme using the most effective ideas and techniques from both sides of the world.

Sophrology is a training which is gradually integrated into everyday life. Regular training will make your life, healthier, easier, more enjoyable and richer in every way.

"Take care of your brain and your brain will take care of your existence.
Take care of your heart and your heart will take care of your life."
(Prof. Caycedo)


What Sophrology is used for:

Exam preparation
Confidence building
Stress management
Breathing techniques
Sporting performance
Interview preparation
Relaxation techniques
Rediscovering fun in life
Improving communication
Recharging energy levels
Improving quality of sleep
Preparing for stressful events
Improving creativity and intuition
Activating a positive outlook on life
Developing harmony and well-being
Developing concentration and memory
Becoming more aware of ourselves and our surroundings

Sophrology is widely used by
Olympic Athletes, Business Executives, Doctors, Psychologists, Students.


About the facilitator

Dorna Wilson is a member of the World Federation of Sophrologues, the Swiss Academy of Caycedian Sophrology, the Association of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the International Coaching Federation. Dorna is also a Reiki Master.


Dorna is the only mother-tongue English speaking Sophrologue in Switzerland and is currently working on a much demanded Sophrology book. She has created 2 cd’s: Introduction to Sophrology & Power Napping. Dorna's seminars, workshops and coaching are designed to awaken the individual to develop their full potential in a holistic and healthy manner.

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