A creative writing workshop that combines
writing skills and personal exploration

Author and Journalist

Saturday, 5th April 2003: 09:30 - 17:00

Le Courtil, 14 Rue du Port, Rolle
Price: Sfr. 150

By the end of this intensive and fun one-day workshop you will have written a personal essay.

Explore your personal journey through writing. Get comfortable with your own voice, tell your story, learn a few techniques (like the Little Red Riding Hood principle) and zen-music-speed writing

Paul developed this approach towards personal exploration by looking at his own writing. He found that he wrote best when freed from the tyranny of structure and spelling. While good writing certainly demands structure (and grammar and organisation) it equally needs creativity and freedom, and a secure environment where people can take chances.

Perhaps you have been conditioned to equate writing with hard work. This is because our teachers generally promote the notion that writing should be controlled by the adult/editor/grammar-oriented left brain. The result is that the emotional/creative/child-like right brain atrophies. One of the ways we break through the adult-tyranny is by using music as triggers (Verdi, Jerry Lee Lewis, Tina Turner, Beethoven) to stimulate emotions that we explore in expressive writing exercises.

Come prepared to laugh, explore, take chances and be surprised by the power of your voice.

Paul has a unique approach to helping people discover themselves and to developing their hidden creative writing skills. Below are just three of the many appreciative comments from previous workshop participants:

"It helped me get in touch with authentic aspects of myself, express them and unlock my natural style of writing"

"A unique and very rewarding combination of media, music, humour and creative exercises"

"My first workshop with Paul was exhilarating, encouraging, sometimes daunting and definitely to be continued!"

About the coach

Paul Spencer Sochaczewski has extensive international experience in coaching writers. He teaches writing each summer at the University of Hawaii, and has run workshops in chateaux in Switzerland, game parks in Zimbabwe, restored windmills in Mallorca and tropical islands in the Philippines. He lived in Southeast Asia for 12 years, working in Borneo as an education volunteer for the United States Peace Corps and as creative director of the J. Walter Thompson affiliates in Southeast Asia.

He created the international public awareness and fundraising campaigns for WWF-World Wildlife Fund International and is now communications director for the International Osteoporosis Foundation. He is also a journalist, with more than 600 by-lined personal essays and articles published in the International Herald Tribune, Wall Street Journal, Geographical, CNN Traveller, GQ, and Reader's Digest. Paul has lived or worked in some 50 countries.

Redheads, his comic conservation novel set in Borneo, is about tribal uprisings, corrupt government officials and schizophrenic orang-utans. Daniel Quinn, author of Ishmael, said "Redheads does for the struggle to save the rain forests of Borneo what Catch 22 did for the struggle to stay alive in World War II."

Visit Paul's website:    www.sochaczewski.com

Information on the workshop location      Reservation Form      See photos 2003

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