Peak of Health: Integrative Quantum Medicine

Peak of Health - Switzerland

The Art of Tao Energy

Integrative Quantum MedicineTM Level One Seminar

11th -12th June 2011 10am-6pm
Bellevue, Geneva.

Fee: CHF 500
(includes manual & seminar materials)

Louise Mita, internationally known teacher and practitioner of the healing arts, is bringing her Integrative Quantum Medicine™ workshop back to Geneva.

Combining eastern protocols of healing handed down from 35 generations of Shaolin warrior monks, with western physiology and quantum mechanics, Integrative Quantum Medicine™ (IQM) was developed to facilitate immediate results in extraordinary circumstances.

From migraines, allergies, chronic back pain, severe illnesses and accidents, to addictions, traumas and emotional imbalances – you are now able to access resolutions within minutes, alleviating pain and suffering that may have gone on for years.

The “miraculous” factor is not just the exceptionally successful healing results utilizing IQM; it is the fact that this modality can be learned and applied within a 16 hour training seminar.

About Louise Mita

Louise Mita, founder of Integrative Quantum Medicine™, conducts lectures and seminars internationally with organizations such as The World Economic Forum, Swiss Olympic Medical Centre, WIN Conference, World Knowledge Forum, College of Psychic Studies-London, British Petroleum, Sprint, the Universities of Alaska, Arizona and Hawaii.

Her background includes Reiki, Hawaiian Healing Arts, Para-psychic Sciences, Kendo, Kung Fu, Jeet Kun Do & Aikido. She is a certified practitioner of Chinese Energetic Medicine, Tai Chi, Qigong and Feng Shui.

For further information about IQM and Louise Mita see:

What has been said about IQM and Louise Mita’s work:

I have always believed in the abundant power of the mind and spirit; now I am developing the tools to use it.
Ty Azeltine, PhD, Bio-Energetic Kinesiology, Alaska

IQ Medicine is the most powerful healing modality I have ever experienced, and I want to be part of taking it out to the whole planet.
Rev. Mari Kintaro, Spiritual Counselor and Reiki Master, Alaska

That experience just blew my mind. I feel like my mind was covered in some sort of plastic cling wrap before being exposed to the seminar material. Now I have this expansive feeling of freedom—like the doors to a whole new realm of POSSIBILITY have opened!
L.K. Hawaii

IQM has changed every aspect of my being.
K. Lotoski, Fitness and Energetics Consultant, New Hampshire

I have been the recipient of her work as a patient and have recently studied with her. One of the many qualities of Louise is her unparalleled awareness and capacity to tune into what is going on with her patients. She has a positive, uplifting approach to clearing and releasing unwanted emotional, mental and physical patterns. She relieves pain and much more. Louise is accessible and approachable. She is clearly a healer with the rare ability to "walk her talk" and she has a great sense of humor. She wants people to be happy and healthy. I have experienced the remarkable results of IQM and I highly recommend it.
Joanne Little, Clinical Social Worker, Certified Healing Touch Practitioner, Hawaii

Workshop Registration

For workshop registration, please click here.

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