An introduction to Kinomichi®

with Eva-Maria Schulte and Xenia Heinze
14th November 2004 10h00 - 14h30

18 avenue de la Jonction, 1205 Geneva
Price : Sfr 100.

What is Kinomichi®?

Kinomichi® is a Japanese word. Ki - no - michi: "The way of energy"

Kinomichi® is an art of movement, rooted in an ancient Eastern tradition (out of which Aikido also evolved) and influenced later on by Western methods of body work such as Ehrenfried, eutony, dance and theatre).

It was created in France in 1979 by Master Masamichi NORO, a close disciple of the founder of Aikido, Master Ueshiba.

Kinomichi®'s main objective is to develop fully, without harm, the potential of energy present in the body, regardless of the age of the person. The movements are respectful of the body's anatomical and physiological state. They are based on the following principles: stretching, spiral movement, and a search for opening and releasing the body in rhythm with the breathing flow.

Through regular and rigorous practice, Kinomichi® invites one to discover or rediscover the pleasure of moving in contact with others. It enables a sensitive, non-traumatic search of the body's perceptions through:

  • stretching and toning
  • integrating the dynamics of spiral movements
  • producing global movements, perceived as lines of force between heaven and earth
  • refining one's perceptions through movements that are appropriate, non-violent and effortless, yet, precise and efficient
  • gradual development of one's individual dynamic energy
  • being in contact and moving with a partner

About the Workshop

This is an interactive workshop where you will be able to see a demonstration of Kimonichi, experience the benefits through various exercises, and have the opportunity to ask questions about this unique art of movement.


Here are some comments from Kinomichi students:

  • Practicing Kinomichi got me rid of chronic back pains !
  • I find I have more energy in the days following Kinomichi.
  • My posture has improved and I feel better within myself.
  • I did not expect such a change in my body perception – this art of movement increases one’s sensitivity in a very special way.

    The Facilitators

    Eva-Maria Schulte – university degrees in foreign languages, art and educational sciences, instructor of Kinomichi since 15 years – long studies in martial arts, presently working as a professional in Kinomichi as well as therapist and instructor of shiatsu in France and Switzerland, Austria, Italy and Germany.

    Xenia Heinze has practiced Kinomichi since 1989. President of the Association Romande de Kinomichi and a Kinomichi teacher since 2000, she is a licensed psychologist and psychotherapist working in her own private practice. She finds that both activities complement one another.

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