Dr. Deepak Chopra
The Fulfilment of all Your Desires

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Grand Casino, Noga Hilton Hotel
19th-20th May 2001

Learn how to manifest your desires,
be empowered to create success in every area of your life
and achieve total happiness.

Dr. Deepak Chopra is a doctor in endocrinology, a specialist in Ayurvedic medicine and author of many best selling books including : Perfect Health, Ageless Body,Timeless Mind and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success.

This is the first time that Deepak Chopra will give a seminar of this importance in Switzerland.  It is an exceptional opportunity for you to discover your physical, emotional, spiritual and mental potential.

In order to ensure a learning experience more profound than you can imagine - Book now!

Here is the programme
for this unique life-changing seminar :


Combining the most advanced scientific theories with the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, you will understand who you are, how you function and how to control the emotions which limit you. Dr. Chopra will explain the basis for re-establishing the body's natural balance; strengthening the mind/body connection and using the power of Quantum Healing to achieve perfect health for always.

The seeds of abundance are everywhere. Through a series of simple steps, Dr. Chopra will reveal the power of attention and intention to bring these seeds to fruition.

By "letting go", you will realise that you are the only block to the fulfilment of your desires. New horizons will open up, your energy will circulate more freely and your thoughts more clearly. You just need to "let go" and the rest will follow.

Discover the power of meaningful coincidence to manifest abundance in our lives. Dr Chopra reveals and explains the incredible energy and intelligence that lies behind every coincidence.

By bringing spirituality back into love, Dr. Chopra explains how we can discover a world of depth and meaning that infuses every day with romance and passion. You will achieve happiness not only in your private life but also in your relationships with others.

You will also have the opportunity to have lunch with Deepak Chopra, nominated by Time Magazine as one of the hundred most important people of the 20th century.

For further enquiries please contact Liz.

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