Confidence and Motivation

A 2 day Seminar with Isabel Contreras
28th-29th May 2005 10h00 - 18h30

Centre for Life Motivations
5 chemin de la Radio
1293 Bellevue
Price : Sfr 400.

Confidence and Motivations is a life experience two day programme.
During this two day Workshop you will have an opportunity to:

Gain awareness and become confident

Develop understanding of your own power so that you can show your passion

Understand the resistance factor: awareness of the emotions that stop us from doing what we want to do

Become more creative at work and in your leisure time

Discover the talented person you are and see it in others as well

Understand your family dynamics and barriers to communicate with others

Work with body, mind, emotions and Spirit to transform your life

Learn to work with love, motivation and confidence through positive thinking, movements and gestures

Learn more about goals, mission and vision setting

Networking and negotiation as a tool for success in your private and professional life.

Learn confidence building exercises

About the Trainer

Isabel Contreras holds a diploma in Positive Thinking Counselling. She is a certified self-development teacher and coach, trained in the USA a Transformational Breath facilitator and NLP practitioner. In addition she is an accredited aromatherapy massage, Reiki and flower essence therapist and has extensive experience in conducting seminars and workshops in English and French. She is the founder of Life Motivations, a Centre for management skills and wellbeing in the Geneva area. .


" I was able to feel and express my heart's passion without holding back. Speaking more confidently and seeing my vision clearer"

" wings are back to fly free again"

"The desire to "go back" into having a wonderful positive attitude to life ... an uplifting experience"

"The ultimate confidence and motivation workshop: discovery, learning expression, communication and love"

For further information or registration:

Registration Form       

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