Peak of Health: Loving What Is: The Work of Byron Katie

Peak of Health - Switzerland

Loving What Is: The Work of Byron Katie

"No one can give you freedom but you."

"Byron Katie's Work is a great blessing for our planet.
The root cause of suffering is identification with our thoughts, the 'stories' that are continuously running through our minds. The Work acts like a razor-sharp sword that cuts through that illusion and enables you to know for yourself the timeless essence of your being. In Loving What Is, you have the key. Now use it."
- Eckhart Tolle, author of The Power of Now

Come and question the thoughts that are keeping you from living a joy filled life. Four questions and the turnaround is the process through which you can access the deeper truth that is at the other side of your stressful beliefs. These four questions and the deep insights you will experience will help you radically change your life forever.

The Work of Byron Katie is a way of identifying and questioning the thoughts that cause all the fear and suffering in the world. It is a way to find peace with yourself and with the world. Experience the happiness of undoing those thoughts through The Work, and allow your mind to return to its true, awakened, peaceful, creative nature. For more information about this powerful process, visit: or see the May edition of The Oprah Magazine which features Byron Katie.

About The Facilitator:

Colette Grünbaum is a Certified Facilitator of the Work of Byron Katie and lives in Winterthur, Switzerland. She is a systemic integrative family therapist and breathwork therapist.

"Working with the four questions and the turnaround has become central to my life. In 2000 I started to share with others what is most precious to me - this wonderful tool for self-knowledge and self-healing, this radical inquiry that deepens us, and makes us clear, authentic, and heart-centered. Among all the therapeutic methods and spiritual paths I have encountered during the last 30 years I have found nothing as easy and transforming as The Work."

Testimonials from previous workshop participants:

"The Workshop was intense, wonderful, informative, awakening, motivating, grounding and much more than that. I enjoyed it, it was healing and it keeps me working." Ruedi H.

"Thank you again for the wonderful workshop. I was so grateful for the week and had such an amazing time. It deepened my understanding of the work and I've noticed many subtle changes since coming back. Most deeply has been a sense that all is well, there is really nothing to reach for or panic that I haven't got - what a wonderful awakening!" Elaine.

"Suppose you could find a simple way to embrace your life with joy, to stop arguing with reality, and to achieve serenity in the midst of chaos. That is what Loving What Is offers. It is no less than a revolutionary way to live your life. The question is: Are we brave enough to accept it?"
- Erica Jong, author of Fear of Flying
Information on venue

For more information or to register, please contact Liz.

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