With Kate Lanxner: Holistic practitioner and Counsellor in
Energy Healing and Flower Essence Therapy

Sunday 27th February 2005 15:00 - 18:00
Venue: Centre for Life Motivations
5 chemin de la Radio
1293 Bellevue
Investment: Sfr. 60

This interactive workshop is about learning how to live more in the present moment
- the interval where "time stands still". It is there where magic happens, and when life begins to make sense.

Participants will learn how to become more aware and adept at noticing when a synchronicity is taking place. The angels, messengers of light and love, work and play through synchronistic events to contact us. They guide and protect us, giving us messages that are needed on the path to our wholeness and our evolution to be fully-actualized humans. They know our potential, and they help us find it for ourselves without taking away our free will.

The key is to simplify our lives, to listen, and to "go with the flow". Less is More. Remember, "Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly!" Regret, of the past, even for what happened just ten minutes ago - and the fear/anxiety of the future - can hinder our progress.

In the workshop, we will touch on some basic concepts and define what is meant by a synchronicity. Then with simple meditation exercises (no experience necessary), we can begin to enhance the intuition which is essential in the process.

The group will have a chance to share Angel stories and experiences. Participants will learn how not to resist their energy flow (which is more common than one might think). Finally, there will be a suggested reading list and handouts with helpful guidance to continue to enhance one's connection to angels and synchronicity in daily life.

Kate Lanxner is a holistic practitioner and counsellor in Energy and Flower Essence therapy. Kate is from Vermont, USA. In 1995 she founded the Waterfront Holistic Healing Center in Burlington, Vermont. She relocated to Geneva this year and is now giving consultations at Life Motivations Centre. To learn more about Kate, visit her website:

Testimonial: The "Angels and Synchronicity" workshop in Geneva was a lot of fun, and Kate provided plenty of good information and a warm atmosphere. It confirmed for me how taking notice of synchronicities can build my connection to my angels. I also enjoyed the group sharing of angel stories. - Sonia

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