

We can survive without food for about 5 weeks
but we would not live without water for more than than 5 days.

Two-thirds of the body consists of water. It is our most important nutrient.

The body loses 1.5 litres of water a day through the skin,lungs and gut and via the kidneys as urine, ensuring that toxic substances are eliminated from the body. We also make about a third of a litre of water a day when glucose is 'burnt' for energy. Therefore our minimum water intake from food and drink needs to be more than 1 litre a day. The ideal daily intake is around 2 litres.

Below you will find a table detailing the mineral content of the main bottled waters available in Switzerland. Following the table is an explanation of the properties of each mineral.


Water is needed - directly or indirectly - for every physical and chemical process that takes place in our bodies. It acts as a transport system and delivery service taking oxygen, nutrients and other essentials around the body and into and out of our cells. At the same time it acts as a removal service helping to clear away all of the waste and toxins that our bodies produce. It helps regulate our temperature and produce the energy vital for the body's daily workings.


As beauty experts know, water is nature's best moisturiser. Without it the skin loses its elasticity and 'plumpness' - much like a sponge becomes deflated when it is dry and can become aged prematurely. By drinking sufficient water, you can re-hydrate your skin from the inside


Constipation can be a result of dehydration. If your fibre intake is quite high but you still have trouble with constipation, it is most likely that you are simply not drinking enough water. When dehydrated the body will hold onto all the water it can. The result is that soluble fibre cannot soak up water and therefore cannot do its job.


Apart from being essential in the production of antibodies and interferon (our body's weapons against bacteria and viruses) water also has a more obvious role to play in the fight against infection. Mucus coats the insides of our noses, lungs and guts and its protective barrier is one of our body's first lines of defence. Less water means thicker, dryer mucus and less protection. Similarly, if you are suffering from a cold or flu then drinking plenty of water can help flush out the infection and rehydrate you.


Kidney stones are formed when calcium present in the urine separates out and collects in small lumps. Drinking plenty of water helps keep calcium dissolved in urine, aids kidney function and also helps reduce the risk of cystitis by keeping the bladder flushed free of infection.


Tea, coffee, alcohol, refined foods, soft drinks and pollution all contribute to the build-up of toxins in our bodies. A well hydrated body is able to flush out these toxins much more efficiently.


There is increasing evidence to suggest that dehydration can have a detrimental effect on our moods. When dehydrated we can become irritable and prone to mood swings. So stay happy by drinking plenty of water.



Name Source Acidity (PH) Ca Mg Na K HCO3 NO3 Cl SO4 F SiO2
Contrex Contrexville, Vosges France   486 84 9.1 3.2 403 1.9 10 1187 0.32  
Evian Evian, Haute Savoie France 7.2 78 23 5.5 0.75 357 3.8 4.5 10   13.5
Volvic The Clairvic Spring, Volvic, France 7 9.9 6.1 9.4 5.7 258 6.3 8.4 7   30
Vittel Vittel, Vosges France 7.5 202 36 3.8   402     306 0.28  
Henniez Henniez Switzerland   106 19 7 1 392 16 8 13 0.1  
San Pellegrino San Pellegrino Terme,Italy 7.7 208 55.9 43.6 2.7 135.5 0.45 74.3 549 0.52 9
Perrier Vergése France 5.46 139.4 4 14.5 0.6 400 18 25.7 48.5 0.12

drop Calcium (Ca)

There is more calcium in the body than any other mineral. It is used to maintain strong bones and teeth and keep your heart beating regularly. Muscle activity and transmission of nerve signals also relies on calcium.

Recommended Daily Allowance
800 mg - 1000 mg

Deficiency of Calcium
A deficiency of calcium can lead to osteoporosis. Calcium deficiency also increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart attack.

Oversupply of Calcium
It is possible to have too much calcium. Indications are a lack of appetite, loss of weight, constipation, or an irregular heart beat.

drop Magnesium (Mg)

Magnesium is known as the anti-stress mineral. It is essential for maintaining muscular and nervous equilibrium. It is also important for converting blood sugar into energy. Magnesium is also useful in fighting osteoporosis and kidney stones.

Recommended Daily Allowance
300 to 400 mg

Deficiency of Magnesium
Indications of a lack of magnesium are nervousness, sickness and stomach cramps.

drop Sodium (Na)

Sodium is important for the proper functioning of nerves and muscles. It is also essential for the exchange of water between the cells. Together with chlorine , sodium forms our normal salt, used to spice up our regular diet. While too much salt is unhealthy, none at all can lead to serious malfunction in our body as well.

Recommended Daily Allowance
2000 to 3000 mg

Deficiency of Sodium
Lack of sodium may result in weakness, illness, muscle cramps and in some cases the breakdown of vital body functions.

Oversupply of Sodium
Too much sodium leads to high blood pressure.

drop Potassium (K)

Potassium works with sodium to regulate the body's water balance. In addition, it helps dispose of body wastes. Potassium is also responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses and for muscle contractions.

Recommended Daily Allowance
900 - 1000 mg.

Deficiency of Potassium
A deficiency of potassium leads to weakness of the muscles, low blood pressure, constipation, general fatigue and nervousness.

Oversupply of Potassium
It is possible to have too much potassium. Indications are fatigue, hearing deficiencies, and a metallic taste in the mouth.

drop Hydrogencarbonate (HCO3)

Hydrogencarbonate, or bicarbonate, helps to maintain acid balance in the stomach and the intestines and supports the digestion. It also relieves the effects of a hang-over


drop Nitrate (NO3)

No Recommended Daily Allowance

drop Chlorine (Cl)

Chlorine regulates the blood's alkaline-acid balance. It works with sodium and potassium in a compound form.

Chlorine helps the liver to function and thus aids the cleaning of body wastes..

Chlorine is also used to purify water.

Recommended Daily Allowance
1700 mg - 5100 mg

Deficiency of Chlorine
Lack of chlorine may result in loss of stomach acid, diarrhoea, and, in extreme cases, loss of hair and teeth.

drop Sulphate (SO4)

Sulphur, the "S-part" of sulphate, is essential in maintaining healthy hair, skin and nails. It also aids the liver in bile secretion.

Deficiency of Sulphate
Lack of sulphur inhibits the body to repair damaged cells properly.

drop Fluoride (F-)

Fluoride is necessary for building bones and teeth. Teeth cleaned with fluoride are less prone to caries (which is why most toothpastes contain fluoride). On the other hand, fluoride is highly reactive and should be taken with care.

Recommended Daily Allowance
1 mg.

Oversupply of Fluoride
A daily amount of more than 2 mg may lead to poisoning. Too much fluoride colours the teeth and if taken over a very long time may lead to changes in the bone structure.

drop Silica (SiO2)

Silica is one of the body's natural cleansing agents. It is also helps build bones, cartilage, connecting tissues and teeth

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